Showing posts from 2021

Genesis Six

The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and married them. God was displeased and made t…

Genesis Five

Seth was given birth when Adam was 130 years old. Adam died at 930 years with sons and daughters. Seth be…

Genesis Four

Eve gave birth to Cain, then Abel. Abel was a shepherd (he kept flocks) while Cain was a farmer (he worked …

Genesis Three

Chapter 3: The serpent went to the woman and asked if God has asked them not to eat of the trees in the ga…

Genesis Two

Chapter 2: Vs. 1-3 - The creation ended and God rested on the seventh day. Vs 4-... God has created heave…

Genesis One

Memory verse: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty…

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